Tuesday, April 1, 2008

MRSA - waterborne and airborne!

Staphylococcus aureus breeds in raw sewage. Now add this up, Fresno, CA!

- Deliberate sewage back spills behind felony altering of sewer and water lines throughout town

- After inhaling deadly bacteria, including life-threatening MRSA spores, it can be spread by sneezing, coughing, talking
- Fresno - the only city in the entire nation to react to the escalation in MRSA by increasing benefits for THEMSELVES while filing a Restraining Order against someone for reporting what appears to be a significant contributor to the nightmare
- Fresno - where 2 of the biggest health issues are asthma and heart disease, both blamed on pollution, no mention of SEWAGE pollution, which is linked to both



Q: What Is Airborne MRSA And Can You Get It?

A: MRSA stands for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It is a form of bacteria that is responsible for infections in humans. The word is actually Airborne MRSA. It is not a disease itself but it is one of the many modes of transmission of this infection. Airborne MRSA is a new concept about the spread of the disease according to which MRSA can be spread through the air. This is because the bacteria is usually found on the skin of patients and skin cells are replaced after 30 days. This shedding of skin can result in millions of skin cells in the air and if you have the infection, it will spread with the skin cells, causing someone else to suffer.

Click on image to enlarge:



U.S. Food & Drug: Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococci exist in air, dust, sewage, water, milk, and food or on food equipment, environmental surfaces, humans, and animals. Humans and animals are the primary reservoirs. Staphylococci are present in the nasal passages and throats and on the hair and skin of 50 percent or more of healthy individuals. This incidence is even higher for those who associate with or who come in contact with sick individuals and hospital environments.


"As Pure as the Fallen Snow" by Henry Vere

When one considers the pathogen multiplication within sewer plants and also within their byproducts, disbursement into the environment, the transfer to background organisms, hence to man and his animals, then the remultiplication within the human flora, the emerging picture is worrisome.

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